Tia Portal V13 Sp1 Update 4 BEST
Download === https://fancli.com/2tfLDx
This updated advisory is a follow-up to the advisory update titled ICSA-20-161-04 Siemens SIMATIC, SINAMICS, SINEC, SINEMA, SINUMERIK (Update J) that was published April 14, 2022, to the ICS webpage on www.cisa.gov/ics.
Siemens has released updates for the following affected products and is working on further updates. For the remaining affected products, Siemens recommends specific countermeasures until fixes are available:
(background)I downloaded the x3 fraction files as offered on the update download web page.In other words.. I did not use the TIA Updater software.After downloading I ran the executable file (Totally_Integrated_Automation_Portal_V13_SP1_Upd7.exe),but I specified that the installer should only combine and extract the files.No install procedure as I could not wait a long time for the installation to finish.
When click \"Upload device as new station...\" Tia software inform that \"Hardware configuration uploaded succesful\". But after that a popup \"Loading configuration from device\" on, the software is hang on for a while then an other popup \"The totally intergrated automation portal has encountered a problem and needs to closed\". 153554b96e