The Command Performance
Bel Canto REF600M Trade-in Luxman MQ68c Consignment Rogue Audio ST-100 Trade-in Dynaudio Emit M20 Trade-in NAD CD Player C516BEE Innuos PhoenixUSB Reclocker Pro-Ject 1-Xpression Carbon Glass Turntable Transparent Generation 5 Blowout SaleContactCommand Performance A/V 115 Park Avenue, Suite #2 Falls Church, Virginia 22046 703-532-7239 (phone)
During World War II and in the decades following, Bob Hope visited American troops for the holidays. His performances for those serving around the world brought them a bit of home. And year after year, his televised Christmas specials brought the faces of those troops into American living rooms.
Entertainer Bob Hope performed his regular radio show in front of a military audience at the US Naval Training Facility in Oceanside, California on May 8, 1945. The next day he played a central role in the Victory broadcast on the Armed Forces Radio Service. These performances both took a more somber tone than usual.
To collect performance information on a remote machine without Visual Studio installed, install the Remote Tools for Visual Studio on the remote machine. The version of the tools must match your version of Visual Studio.
So you have just received orders assigning you as commanding officer. Congratulations on the most humbling honor of your career. Captaincy of a warship is the highest compliment the Navy can pay an officer of the line.
Communicate. Keep your crew, other ships in company, and the greater command structure informed (as you get to where you need to get, on time, while remaining tactical and not running aground or hitting other ships).
Take full advantage of Surface Warfare Officer School. Improve yourself, whether through extra time with the simulators, in the engineering books, studying tactics, reviewing rules of the road, learning personnel issues, or shedding a few extra pounds. All are worth doing, and you know best what you need most. Also remember that the personal and professional friendships you cultivate at SWOS will make your command tour more enjoyable and successful.
Set sleep schedules. Consider altering your schedule so either the CO, XO, or senior watch officer is always awake for long evolutions. Some commands have the CO and XO go port and starboard and collapse watch sections to provide that extra set of eyes on the bridge, in engineering, and in combat.
The Triumvirate. CO, XO, and command master chief (CMC) should be able to talk freely amongst yourselves inside your cabin with the door shut. But when it opens, you all should be consistent in your message. Keep an eye on your XO and CMC. Their physical and mental health is directly in your sphere of influence. A friendly game of darts in your cabin before dinner, or a cup of coffee afterward can resolve issues of the day, be enjoyable, and show the crew that you are talking.
Maintain a strong sponsor program. Pre-arrival, the first week and last week that every crew member is on board should be planned carefully. How the command greets and treats officers and enlisted Sailors from the time they receive orders through their arrival is important and sets the tone for the rest of the tour.
Let them see what you see. The command duty officer (CDO) should walk the pier and look at the ship, entry control point and surrounding area as you arrive each morning. It gives the two of you time to talk and gives the CDO an opportunity to see the ship through your eyes. If he has a CDO under instruction, bring him along. New department heads and senior enlisted also should walk with you to learn what your standards are.
Interview the crew. We recommend this be part of your schedule for the first few weeks in command. It will occupy a lot of time, but be well worth the effort. A formatted interview sheet should be filled out by each crew member and delivered to you well before the interview. Afterward, make sure you know every person in your command down to the newest E-1 (and something about them) so you recognize them and call them by name.
Honestly and thoroughly debrief failures and successes. Some commands never grasp the amazing learning potential in thoroughly and completely reviewing failures. Your willingness to sit down with the navigation team and admit what you did wrong, share where you should have listened to the navigator, put in place corrective action (look at the navigator each time he/she makes a recommendation), and then follow through, makes it clear that mistakes occur, but they must be examined and corrected.
Teach them what success looks like. As XO and then CO you will need a command that can run on autopilot for periods at a time. That is only developed by giving others opportunities to make decisions, to make mistakes, and to learn from them. As CO that means sitting quietly when your intuition tells you something is wrong. Let the XO, the department heads, the chiefs, and the senior petty officers catch mistakes and correct them. That develops the skills, the confidence, and the trust so you can turn your back when the mission requires it.
These commands are available under all flavors of Linux and can be useful to monitor and find the actual causes of performance problems. This list of commands shown here is very enough for you to pick the one that is suitable for your monitoring scenario.
Linux Top command is a performance monitoring program that is used frequently by many system administrators to monitor Linux performance and it is available under many Linux/Unix-like operating systems.
The top command is used to display all the running and active real-time processes in an ordered list and updates it regularly. It displays CPU usage, Memory usage, Swap Memory, Cache Size, Buffer Size, Process PID, User, Commands, and much more.
Linux VmStat command is used to display statistics of virtual memory, kernel threads, disks, system processes, I/O blocks, interrupts, CPU activity, and much more.
The lsof command is used in many Linux/Unix-like systems to display a list of all the open files and the processes. The open files included are disk files, network sockets, pipes, devices, and processes.
One of the main reasons for using this command is when a disk cannot be unmounted and displays the error that files are being used or opened. With this command, you can easily identify which files are in use.
The tcpdump command is one of the most widely used command-line network packet analyzer or packets sniffer programs that is used to capture or filters TCP/IP packets that are received or transferred on a specific interface over a network.
The netstat is a command-line tool for monitoring incoming and outgoing network packets statistics as well as interface statistics. It is a very useful tool for every system administrator to monitor network performance and troubleshoot network-related problems.
htop is a much advanced interactive and real-time Linux process monitoring tool, which is much similar to Linux top command but it has some rich features like a user-friendly interface to manage processes, shortcut keys, vertical and horizontal views of the processes, and much more.
iotop is also much similar to top command and htop program, but it has an accounting function to monitor and display real-time Disk I/O and processes.
iostat is a simple tool that will collect and show system input and output storage device statistics. This tool is often used to trace storage device performance issues including devices, local disks, remote disks such as NFS.
NetHogs is an open-source nice small program (similar to Linux top command) that keeps a tab on each process network activity on your system. It also keeps a track of real-time network traffic bandwidth used by each program or application.
Suricata is a high-performance open-source Network Security and Intrusion Detection and Prevention Monitoring System for Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows.
Collectl is yet another powerful and feature-rich command-line-based utility, that can be used to gather information about Linux system resources such as CPU usage, memory, network, inodes, processes, nfs, TCP, sockets, and much more.
This commander in the United States Navy charts the course for nursing being an ideal foundation for steering national managed care strategy. She links the importance of caring for patients in a variety of settings and different cultures to guiding health care policy in the military.
Thank you for being a part of another year of breathtaking performances, and thank you for actively engaging in the arts and for being a part of the TITAS/DANCE UNBOUND and AT&T Performing Arts Center family. 153554b96e