Old World Underground Where Are You Now Metric Rar Fixed
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To reach the sector capital of Poln Major, Jade decided she would need a different, less conspicuous ship than her own shuttle. She also decided that having willing stormtrooper accomplices would be useful. Having monitored the continued altruistic vigilantism of the Hand of Judgment despite her earlier warning to them, Jade decided to use them again. Jade tracked them to Elegasso based on her knowledge of their activities and her own intuition and soon found them on a nearby world where a corrupt local official named Bok Yost had captured them before they could interfere with the election he had rigged to secure his position. Jade burst into the holding area, killing the mercenaries hired by Yost. Confronted with imminent death, Yost had no choice but to surrender his prisoners and resign his position in favor of holding new, fair elections, or else be slain. Jade released LaRone and his men and then recruited them to assist her infiltration of Poln Major. Knowing full well the leverage she had over them, LaRone agreed to her terms reluctantly.[14]
Jade then returned to the palace to find Pakrie. While she was gone, LaRone and the Hand of Judgment were attacked by Axlon, who had also been courting Esva's favor and hoped that arranging the governor's death would ingratiate the warlord to the Rebellion. The Hand of Judgment eliminated Axlon and informed her of his treason. Jade suspected that the kidnappers had used the safe room built into the governor's private exit and investigated it. She had one of the governor's security officers bait Pakrie into the safe room by claiming the governor was there. She kidnapped him, but was attacked by eight alien assassins before she could extract information from him. Jade slew them all but Pakrie escaped in the confusion. However, LaRone had a contact who provided her with intelligence of the location where the family was held. Jade located a secret passageway that led there and followed it to an underground area that was heavily guarded. Having learned this, Ferrouz then called Pakrie and informed the duplicitous officer of his location to draw off some of the guards. The ruse was successful, giving Jade an opening.[14]
Jade was eventually captured by the Human League and imprisoned with Leia on Corellia as the Corellian Crisis sparked across the Corellian system. That, and the fact that her crew was missing, was incentive for her to fight against the Human League. Though neither woman trusted the other, the two decided to work together and escaped out of their cells and rappelled down into Solo's former quarters, where they retrieved Solo's lightsaber and blaster. Jade and Leia Solo then departed the planet on Jade's ship, the Jade's Fire, after Jade called it to her with a beckon call. Both injured, they were pleased with just escaping Human League captivity, and eventually decided to head to Selonia. Approaching the world, they detected the Bakuran fleet and a coneship that was carrying Han Solo and a Selonian, both also escaped from the Human League on Corellia. Jade brought the Jade's Fire to dock with the coneship and Solo was reunited with her husband.[51]
After the Jade's Fire was destroyed, Luke Skywalker presented her with the Jade Sabre as a wedding gift.[55] Jade Sabre required a single pilot to operate, but the ship was designed to carry up to fifteen passengers and up to 100 metric tons of cargo. For defense, Skywalker armed the ship with four concealed quad laser cannons and a tractor beam projector.[92] In 22 ABY, the Skywalkers used Jade Sabre to travel to Crustai on the edge of the Chiss Ascendancy, where they rendezvoused with the Chiss who had offered to lead them to the remains of Outbound Flight.[55] Three years later, in early 25 ABY, Jade Skywalker flew the Jade Sabre with Jaina Solo and Leia Organa Solo to the planet of Rhommamool, where Leia was asked to act as a New Republic envoy to deal with upstart Nom Anor.[9] The galaxy soon erupted into a full-scale war with the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, and Jade Skywalker and her nephew Anakin Solo piloted Jade Sabre to the world of Dantooine, where it was hoped that Jade Skywalker could enjoy a vacation. The Yuuzhan Vong, however, soon invaded the planet, and the two Jedi were forced to abandon Jade Sabre when they found themselves cut off from their landing site by warrior patrols.[12]
This is a very common sight in worlds where players have put together XP farms to help with their Minecraft enchanting needs. Clumps is a lifesaver in these places because, as the name suggests, it clumps together all nearby XP orbs into a single orb, significantly decreasing the amount of work required by the game to render all those floating collectibles.
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A study in 2016 determined that, over most of the USA, the accuracy of Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)-enabled, single-frequency GPS units was on the order of 1.9 meters at least 95 per cent of the time (FAA 2017). This may be lower in other parts of the world where Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) stations are less common. Note that as most SBAS satellites are geostationary, blocked line of sight towards the equator (southwards in the northern hemisphere, or northwards in the Southern hemisphere) by buildings or heavy canopy cover will reduce the accuracy of SBAS correction, Also, during solar storms, the accuracy deteriorates by a factor of around 2.
Using a large sample size (n>20,000) of GPS benchmarks in a variety of terrains in the United States, Wang et al. 2017 found that elevations in the Google Earth terrain model had a boundary of error interval at 95 per cent (BE95) of 44 m, with worst-case scenarios around 200 m. The same study found that Google Earth terrain model had a BE95 of 6 m along highways. Though we find no data for elsewhere in the world at this time, we recommend using the values extracted from the work of Wang et al. 2017 as estimates of elevational uncertainty when the source is the Google Earth terrain model. A second study using Google Earth to determine elevation in three regions of Egypt (El-Ashmawy 2016) on flat, medium, and steep terrains concluded that elevation data is more accurate in flat areas or areas with small height difference, with an accuracy of approximately 1.85 m (RMSE) and an error range of less than 3.72 m (and in some findings less than 1 m). Increasing the difference in height leads to decrease in the obtained accuracy with the RMSE rising to 5.69 m in steep terrain.
In cave systems and underground mines, determining the geographic position on the surface (known as ground zero) can be done with radiolocation or Electromagnetic Cave-to-Surface (ECMS) Mapping System (Sogade et al. 2004), which uses electromagnetic wave technology. This requires a levelled radio loop in the location within the cave and a receiver above ground to determine the location underground. The surface location can then be determined using a GPS/GNSS receiver, as usual. With a levelled antenna, an experienced operator can determine a ground zero with an accuracy of one meter for a 50 m depth (2%) (Gibson 1996, Gibson 2002), however, more recent radiolocation beacons have increased the horizontal accuracy to about 0.5 to 1 per cent (Goldsheider & Drew 2014, Buecher 2016). Fortunately, many caves and mines have already been extensively mapped, so where maps are available, these may be used to determine locations.
Digital versions of traditional paper maps that have been scanned or digitized by hand using a digitizing tablet to trace lines, have an extra layer of uncertainty (Dempsey 2017). Depending on how the map was digitized, the error may be small or large when compared to the scale of the original map. In parts of the world where digitized maps are not readily available, they can be scanned and rectified using satellite data (Raes et al. 2009). Scanned maps often (and should always) include information on the accuracy added by the digitizing process (see ASPRS 1990). Be careful when using digital maps, and record any information on the scanning accuracy if that information is available. Always err on the cautious side when recording the uncertainty of your georeference when using maps of this type (ASPRS 2014).
Georeferencing is only the first step toward making biological (specimen and observation) data available to the world. However, it is an important first step, as it is one of the two most key methods for identifying what and where a specimen is, that is, its scientific name and its location (Chapman 2005a). Two main standards have been developed for sharing biological data, Darwin Core (Wieczorek et al. 2012b) and Access to Biological Collections Data (ABCD), both ratified by Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG). We do not treat the ABCD standard separately in this document, as term mappings between Darwin Core and ABCD are well defined for location data. One of the principles of Darwin Core is to try to provide content for every field possible.
Computers in our generation seem to be integrated in our every day life to assist in multiple tasks related to our many needs. So much so, it is difficult to picture our world without them. However, with great success comes great patience. In the first computer model (1946-1957) for example, the machine required certain inputs, referred to as punch cards, and physical work to reprogram the computer. The computer itself was nowhere near as helpful, simple, nor convenient as it is today.
Embedded memory is becoming an increasingly popular type of flash memory due to its small, convenient size. In today's society these types of memory can be found in phones, cameras, gaming devices, and even handheld devices like a GPS.[14] In July 2013, Samsung announced that they developed the world's fastest embedded memory. These new products will be available in the 16, 32, and 64 GB sizes and feature an interface speed of 400 MB/s. This will increase user's abilities to multitask and perform tasks such as file transferring, browsing, and gaming. It also decreases the amount of time it takes to boot and load applications. This is a key factor in mobile devices where the physical space for additional storage or memory is limited. Memory cards are being used less and less when manufacturing mobile devices and smartphones. One limitation of the chip is the amount of memory it could store. The larger the chip, the more expensive the device is going to cost. Something else to consider is the problem that arises if the device breaks. Any valuable information that was stored on it is virtually irretrievable. That is one advantage of having a removable memory as discussed below. 153554b96e