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1. Make a recovery disk2. Break the recovery disk into 3 parts3. 3. Partition the Recovery Disk4. Call it 100MB, 100MB, 150MB.5. Do a full format, calling the 100MB partition the boot6. Reboot7. Call the 150MB partition windows8. Reboot
The IoT-enabled fleet is moving beyond the vehicle and driving toward what is possible at the end customer. Fleet managers are empowered with the ability to gather, process, and analyze data to enable decision-making at the edge of the vehicle or in the cloud. Fleet managers can use these advanced telematics to monitor driver behavior, improve safety, optimize performance, and manage cargo.Fleet managers can use IoT-enabled telematics to monitor drivers, vehicles, and cargo to improve safety, optimize performance, and manage cargo. Fleet managers can use IoT-enabled telematics to monitor driver behavior, optimize performance, and manage cargo.Fleet managers can use IoT-enabled telematics to monitor drivers, vehicles, and cargo to improve safety, optimize performance, and manage cargo.The following figure outlines the key advantages of IoT-enabled telematics and fleet management.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc