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I've never seen people with computers that weren't super powerful. No one has ever claimed that Lightroom is too slow. i'm sorry that you can't use it. but Lightroom was built on a windows OS and the only time it would run fast is if you had the most powerful computer. if you don't use the most powerful computer you will always see an increase in time loading and performance. i've been using photoshop for 12 years and i'm nowhere near a pro. I've never changed my work flow in photoshop. in fact there is only one time i use the tools. if i use the eraser tool i'm pressing the eraser icon and typing the word eraser. it's not nearly as convenient as just saying erase and it's a nightmare to type because my hands get tired. a lot of people don't understand this and even if lightroom doesn't work for you you can still use the tool to do the same thing. But lightroom is a bit slower and i'm telling you I've used it with high end hardware and it's been slow in a lot of different computers. It's frustrating. I don't know why it's like that but that's the reality.
Then you have the stupid Adobe contract. Which is the only thing holding me back. If I wasn't under contract I would not only drop Adobe but I'd also buy a competitor. I really wish Adobe would offer the software at a reasonable price without a subscription. Then I'd be all over it. I'd even get a subscription
I should know. I've used it since the beginning. It's just that I never had a problem with it. I'm also an educational consultant for Adobe and work with them every day and I've used it like once in the last 2 years. So really? Really?
The real reason Adobe is having such a hard time is because they are far behind the times. They didn't move fast enough to get their feet wet with the likes of Apple, Google, and Microsoft. If they had, they would have seen lightroom was going to be a flop from the beginning. They failed to see it. They let their first product flop and they have been working on more than a year to get things sorted out. Nothing ever good comes from having a major flop. You have to learn from it and go back to the drawing board and improve. Instead of a company that makes software they are now a company that makes cloud services. 827ec27edc